My special day!
I came to school one day, It was a special day, I'll say. I sit down next to my friend, Everyone was chatting and walking, it was a trend. But before the school day started my parents were happier than usual, They weren't acting that casual. I wondered in serious thought, So far for what I've been taught, They weren't acting normal, My mom let me wear something more formal. At school we walked down to the award assembly, My stomach was very grumbly. My teacher told me and another kid to sit in the side, But I still didn't know why. I never got a clue... Until I saw my parents on the chairs. Then I realized, my heart skipped a beat! I started chattering my teeth. Waiting to be called up in front of the whole school to get my award!😃😃😃😃😃😃😃 Copyright- Roshni Das (This poem is in connection to me getting a Marvelous Macaw award in the first semester of 4th grade<3)