
My special day!

I came to school one day, It was a special day, I'll say. I sit down next to my friend, Everyone was chatting and walking, it was a trend. But before the school day started my parents were happier than usual, They weren't acting that casual. I wondered in serious thought, So far for what I've been taught, They weren't acting normal, My mom let me wear something more formal. At school we walked down to the award assembly, My stomach was very grumbly. My teacher told me and another kid to sit in the side, But I still didn't know why. I never got a clue... Until I saw my parents on the chairs. Then I realized, my heart skipped a beat! I started chattering my teeth. Waiting to be called up in front of the whole school to get my award!😃😃😃😃😃😃😃 Copyright- Roshni Das (This poem is in connection to me getting a Marvelous Macaw award in the first semester of 4th grade<3)    
                              My Life                                                 An autobiography By Roshni Das On February 29 2008, I was born, a soft skinned, baby. Crying, with my eyes closed right then sleeping in my mom's arms. Wrapped with a white and blue blanket, my parents took me home, to were my grandma and my sister were. Right when I saw my sister, Diya, it was the first time I ever smiled and it was directly at her! It took my parents a long time to come up with a name for me, but they did. First they thought of naming me Maya, then Diksha, and then they came up with ROSHNI! And so we st...

A Tree's Point Of Veiw

                     A tree's point of view  Here I am, standing by the ocean, While the waves are in strong motion. Green leaves, starting to turn brown, Those leaves have also started to fall down. My roots are getting stronger, my life has just begun, Starting out small, and getting to the fun! Girls walking their dog down the street, The Birds have a melodious tune to tweet. Boys skate boarding across the road, When it was Winter, it started to snow! But I  still stand here through all these seasons, People sit, sleep, and even read under me for only 1 reason. I have all the shade you could get, but in the cold seasons they wouldn't dare, Because my leaves are gone, there are only branches left, but they all still care.       

My home

Hi!  I love my home so much. You can put many things in it with just a touch. I have a room, When there is a dirty mess I clean it with a broom. I have a shower, I use it when I'm done playing in a field of flowers! I have an oven, So we can eat food, So guess were the food will be shoved in :) I have a table, I read books from Aesop's Fables. I have a sister, I have a mother, I have a father, And a dog. He is at least bigger than a log! I have food in my fridge, I live one hour from the Chesapeake Bridge. (There's nothing else that rhymes with fridge.) I have fish in a tank, their brains are completely blank. I have a plant, In your house, Have you ever seen an ant? I said hi on the top,  now I will say bye. BYE-BYE!


Some animals are friendly, Some animals are deadly. Animals have instincts, Some do not. Some animals live in the wild, Some animals live with a child. Some animals have spots, Some animals trot. Some animals are fast, Some are so slow that they are last. Some hop, Some just walk. Some animals have learned from their years, Some animals got hurt and had tears. Animals are trained, Animals in pain… Endangered species, Cutting down trees, Help save them won’t you please?  

Families and love

A family has one main thing. And you will never forget it, they always keep it strong and will always have it. This main thing is love. Love is a forever thing. A lot of people in the world love you. Even when you don't know it. At school, your teacher loves you, at your birthday party all those friends you invite, love you, but I will tell you a secret. The people who love you the most is your family. Your family will forever hold their love for you. Who rocked you in their arms while you were sleeping(when you were a baby)? Your parents! If you ever felt lonely, who would come play with you? Your sibling! I feel very grateful for my family. You should too. If you played any instruments for classes, who paid for it? Your parents. Or for your school? Your family cares so much for you, they care about your knowledge, and your life! If it was not for them you wouldn't even be alive. So I think everyone should love their family.

Myrtle Beach

Getting out of the house, driving far. Into the car! Getting your buckets, getting your shovels. Getting your papers so you can scribble. Getting your swim suits into the beach, Reading a book about a giant peach. Into the pool, A break from school! Playing put put, You won, look! Eating ice cream, Look at the view of the beach, have you seen? let's go boogie boarding, Hey give my ice cream! You're hoarding. Time to go home, I will remember this journey, Lo and behold... Now there is a storm!